#1: FARM TO BEAUTY with Authentically Organic Formulas

FARM TO BEAUTY is a key part of our organic environmental and sustainable commitment to the planet, to animals and to humans. Juice Beauty has been purchasing from mission driven organic farmers and cleaning up the beauty space since 2005. From our apple farmer in Washington state to our jojoba farmer in Arizona to our fruit farmers in California’s central valley, these farmers and Juice Beauty are committed to organic ingredients. In 2018, Founder Karen and her husband purchased the Juice Beauty Sonoma County farm and immediately stepped up from the property’s highest level of sustainable farming to following certified organic farming guidelines. While there is no certification for conventional chemical or “natural” or “clean” ingredients, organic ingredients are regulated by the USDA. We are excited to work with #CCOF (California Certified Organic Farmers) to gain certification for our vineyard and olive grove soon. Juice Beauty’s scientists sourced and produced our first crop of grape in 2020 for our Stem Cellular products and as soon as we have the grape harvest and processing perfected, we’ll move on to our olive project! Juice Beauty uses resveratrol rich grape skins, grape juice, grape pulp, grapeseed and grape stem cells; and from olives we use olive oil and olive squalene.

Since we use hundreds of ingredients, we will continue to buy from our existing organic farmers in the U.S. Many of our ingredients are from West Coast USDA Certified Organic farms so we can monitor quality and limit fuel transportation waste.

What is organic farming? Certified organic ingredients are produced according to federal standards set by the USDA National Organic Program and regulated by the government. Organic standards address many factors: soil quality, pest and weed control, and pesticide use-- all to protect the planet, animals and humans.

When Juice Beauty purchased the farm in 2018, it was already being farmed sustainably and certified at the highest level by the California Sustainable Winegrowing Alliance. Fortunately, Glyphosate (RoundUp) was not used on the property but one of the first changes we made was to eliminate all herbicides and thus all weed pulling is done mechanically (by a tractor or by hand). We are planting cover crops, such as clover, between the vines to provide natural vitamins and minerals back into the earth, and instead of spraying with synthetic vitamins, we now mist with Kelp to feed the grapevines.

It takes a lot more work to farm organically as we have over 10,000 vines and 300 olive trees on the property and each vine is touched up to 8 times annually with our organic farming techniques. Another requirement of becoming certified organic is to keep rigorous records and allow routine inspections.

Organic farming not only protects our earth, soil and waterways but organically produced ingredients have been shown to have higher antioxidant levels for superior skincare results which can provide amazing benefits for our skin....so Every Organic Drop Feeds the Skin. Since our skin can absorb what is placed on it, we have been cleaning up the beauty space since 2005 to greatly reduce the risk that toxins from pesticides might contaminate our bodies, our children’s bodies, animals and ocean habitats.

Fun Stat: According to a study published in the British Journal of Nutrition (2014); Higher antioxidant and lower cadmium concentrations and lower incidence of pesticide residues in organically grown crops), organic plant-based foods may pack 20% to 40% more antioxidants and around 48% less cadmium — a cancer-causing metal — than conventionally farmed foods.

*Estimated by Duke University Math students