Changemakers' Chat: The Science Behind Clean Beauty

Changemakers' Chat: The Science Behind Clean Beauty


Watch BCPP's Changemakers’ Chat LIVE at the Juice Beauty Farm, featuring Founder Karen Behnke and the Breast Cancer Prevention Partners (BCPP) Director of Science, Sharima Rasanayagam, PhD, moderated by BCPP, CEO Amanda Heier. 

Juice Beauty has been a proud partner of BCPP since Juice Beauty started in 2005. In fact, founder Karen was so inspired and interested as she read the first BCPP State of the Evidence that outlined so many toxic ingredients in our everyday personal care items, it was one of the many motivating factors to start Juice Beauty!

BCPP is known for their groundbreaking scientific work to prevent breast cancer.  This year alone, they helped lead winning campaigns to pass 3 important California bills into law that will help protect the health of all of us, animals and the planet. Of course Juice Beauty does not use any of these ingredients.

These bills include:

  • Toxic-Free Cosmetics Act (AB2762) the nation’s first state-level ban of 24 toxic ingredients, including mercury and formaldehyde, from beauty and personal care products.
  • Cosmetic Fragrance and Flavor Ingredient Right to Know Act of 2020 (SB312-Leyva) making California the first government in the world to require the public disclosure of hazardous fragrance and flavor ingredients. If you’ve read any Juice Beauty blogs you have probably read that we do not support the use of synthetic fragrance. The labeling laws allow brands to hide hundreds of toxic ingredients in one work “Perfume” or “Fragrance” and they do not have to be disclosed.
  • SB 1044-Allen bans the manufacture, sale and use of firefighting foam that contains PFAS ‘forever’ chemicals. PFAS affects many citizens through the use of all the Teflon used not only on pans but in cosmetic products!

Watch as Karen shares more about the Juice Beauty's mission and products, and BCPP’s Director of Science, Sharima Rasanayagam, PhD, breaks down the science behind personal care products, and how it all relates to breast cancer. 

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