Favorites Friday: Facebook Fan Edition! Meet Iris…

beauty tips

Today it’s time to introduce you to another one of our favorite Facebook beauties! This one is especially fitting given the fact we just crossed 18,000 Facebook fans. Why? Read on…

Over the last few months (as our online community has been growing like wildfire) we noticed Iris raving about Juice Beauty online…we were flattered! Turns out we have Rachel, who we introduced to you last month, to thank since she was actually the one who introduced her to Juice Beauty! Small world!

We absolutely LOVE when friends share the knowledge about healthy beauty. Who better to help clean up a beauty routine than the gals you go to for beauty advice?!

So without further ado, Juice Beauties, we’re happy to introduce Iris!

Alright Iris, give us ‘you’ in a nutshell: I am: A runner, freelance designer, espresso slinging barista, lover of impractical shoes, wild Muppet trainer, and an incurable ice cream addict. Keeping up with me is an exercise in both patience and perseverance (I’ve heard).

What was the Juice Beauty product you tried? The Organic Facial Wash. My best friend, Rachel, was trying to talk me into your products. I used her face wash and literally went to your site to purchase some within the hour.

If you had to choose, which is your Juice Beauty product? My favorite Juice Beauty product is the Antioxidant Serum. After using it, my skin feels super soft. I also noticed that combined with the Blemish Clearing Serum my normally troubled skin cleared right up. After using just a few of Juice Beauty’s products for even just as little time as a month and a half, I started noticing a vast difference in the appearance of my skin. It just LOOKS healthier and smoother whether I’ve got makeup on or not.

You hit snooze one too many times and you’re running late in the morning. If you only have a few minutes before you have to run out the door, what is the ONE skincare/beauty step you can NOT skip? Typically the one thing I won’t skip is a moisturizer with sunscreen. It makes my skin glow and protects it even if I don’t have time to pretty myself up.

Mind sharing your best beauty tip with us? Always drink tons of water and make sure to wash your face both before and after a workout. It makes a world of difference. Seriously.

We’re fiends for fruit (clearly). What’s your favorite? Mangos. I eat them plain, sliced up…and all in one go!

When or where do you feel most beautiful? This might sound weird, but I feel the most beautiful after I’ve gone on a long run. Yes, I’m sweaty and tired…but after pushing myself to go a long distance I feel good about myself, it clears me out mentally, and my skin has the most amazing glow from both the exercise and the good mood it puts me in!


What do you do to stay healthy? I run regularly, rock climb, belly dance, and most of all: eat healthy. Not that I don’t thoroughly enjoy a slice of pizza or cocktail every now and again, but when and where I can I go with organic food. Sometimes it can be hard to stick with, since I work two jobs, but that’s also what gives me the energy to work that much. It is totally worth the effort.

We love that you put the effort into eating organic. It really is so important! What’s your go-to organic recipe? Organic roasted veggie salad. Slice up some ruby red sweet potato, whole garlic cloves, Roma tomatoes, and baby bella mushrooms. Toss them in olive oil and roast in the oven at 350 degrees for 30 minutes. When they’re done, pop them on a bed of baby spinach with feta crumbles and you’re good to go. It seems like an odd combination of veggies with the sweet potato thrown in, but it’s deliciously savory and keeps well in the fridge for later.

Last but not least, as we’re still in the winter months and dreaming of a getaway…where is your dream vacation? I’d love to be able to visit with my grandmother on Madeira Island for a month or so. I did it back in my early 20’s and it was a beautiful experience. Learning Portuguese, eating fresh food every day from the fields, gorgeous weather, and a view to die for made for an unforgettable vacation. Plus, hiking up in the mountains was peaceful, yet energizing at the same time. I miss that place and going back is a dream I hold very dear!

Thank you Iris! We’re excited to have you in our inner beauty circle! You can follow Iris on Twitter if you’d like!

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