Favorites Friday: Facebook Fan Edition! Meet Rachel…

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Today we’d like to introduce you to another one of our favorite Facebook beauties.

As we mentioned last week (time flies!), we absolutely love sharing our favorite Juice Beauty products with you but we realized it’s even more fun to share some of our favorite people with you too!

Juice Beauties, meet Rachel! Read on to get to know her and a find out a few of her favorite picks…


Alright Rachel, how would you describe yourself in a nutshell? A Crunchy Colorado Mom! (Side note: Crunchy?! We don’t believe that!)

What was the first Juice Beauty product you used? While pregnant with my daughter, I made the switch to Juice Beauty. The Organic Facial Wash was the first product I tried. It was perfect for me then, and remains so today. I love it.

What is your FAVORITE Juice Beauty product? Why do you love it? It is tough to select just one, but Juice Beauty’s Hydrating Mist takes the cake. I refer to it as my “spa in a bottle.” It is that rejuvenating!

You’re running late in the morning and only have a few minutes before you have to run out the door, what is the ONE skincare/beauty step you can NOT skip? Moisturizer for the face. Juice Beauty’s Oil-Free Moisturizer is my current pick, but I am soon going to begin using the SPF 30 Tinted Moisturizer to add the benefits of sun protection! This is especially needed and important for this mile-high dweller.

Best beauty advice? Don’t forget to take care of your décolleté, your hands, and your teeth! All of these are among the areas that expose aging, even if your skin is otherwise amazing. Additionally, it is wise to invest in a good hairbrush.

We base so much of our line on fruit…what’s your favorite fruit & how do you eat it? I literally love them all. One of my favorite ways to eat them is in a homemade organic smoothie with whole milk yogurt. Yum! 

When or where do you feel most beautiful? After a warm bath, a hike, when I see myself in my daughter, or by the way my husband looks at me sometimes.

What do you do to stay healthy? I am committed to living an organically sustained life. My family and I eat an organic and wholesome diet. We pay attention to the ingredients in the products we use, including personal hygiene and beauty, household cleaning, and anything else we can think of. We limit exposure to pesticides and other debris entering the home by leaving our shoes by the door. We are continually striving to do even more towards realizing and maintaining this health goal. In terms of exercise, I enjoy yoga, blazing beautiful Colorado trails with my jogging stroller, or spending some time cycling on my road bike. Most often, I am chasing after my little one, which is a really great workout!

Favorite organic recipe? Oh, there are so many. One that has frequented the rotation lately is this Martha Stewart Roasted Vegetable Salad with Mozzarella. Yum!

 Where is your dream vacation? Many dream spots are on my wish list, but if I were to pick one today, I would visit my sister in Honolulu. Not only would it be a sweet getaway, but my little girl would meet her aunt for the first time.

Thank you Rachel! We’re thankful to have you in our beauty circle! For all you other beauties out there…want to be featured as a Facebook Favorite? First things first, make sure you ‘like’ us on Facebook!

The post Favorites Friday: Facebook Fan Edition! Meet Rachel… appeared first on Juice Beauty Blog.

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