How do I figure out which products are organic and which products are just “natural?”


What do all these “seals” mean?

All Juice Beauty products meet existing organic standards: the California Organic Products Act and the USDA National Organic Program Law.



USDA: To use this seal, as Juice Beauty does, products must be 95 to 100% Organic (total organic content excluding water) as regulated by the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA). These Juice Beauty products are formulated to USDA Organic food standards.

COPA: To use this seal, as Juice Beauty does, the product must meet the most rigorous national standards.

In the State of California, the California Organic Products Act of 2003 (COPA 2003) prohibits the retail sale of any cosmetic product labeled as “organic” unless that product meets the criteria of a minimum of 70% organic content EXCLUDING WATER OR FANCY NAMES FOR WATER and extracts. Any product that does not meet COPA requirements cannot legally be sold in the State of California and many products from leading beauty companies have been pulled from the shelves in California because of false organic claims; however, the Department of Health Services personnel are a bit busy and you’ll still find many non-authentic organic products on the shelves that claim “100% active organic ingredients” or “organic cosmetic seals” that really are just creative marketing.



Approximately 10% organic content

Brands that are claiming “certified by EcoCert” do NOT meet the legal requirements for organic in the U.S. Eco-Cert standards are based on the EU regulatory definition of “organic” which requires that the total organic content total approximately 10%.


Must contain at least 95% NATURAL (not organic) ingredients

Created in 2002 by the collaboration of about ten cosmetic laboratories working on job specifications for cosmetics companies. Products that are bearing the Organic or Environment Friendly logo contain mainly natural ingredients.


Must contain at least 95% NATURAL (not organic) ingredients

Natural ingredient must be naturally derived or come from renewable resources such as plants. Products are not tested on animals and are packaged using recycled materials.

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