Katie O’Sullivan’s Green Obsession

beauty tips

Katie O’Sullivan, The Green Product Junkie, is a feisty New Yorker who has always been obsessed with makeup and skincare.  It was only after reading about the toxins in lipsticks and deodorants that she fell head-over-heels for green beauty.  She now loves sharing her tips on non-toxic products and eco items in the hopes that others, too, will see the benefits of a life without toxic ingredients.

Wondering how this green blogger’s making the most of Earth Day and spreading her eco-love? Read on!


What are you doing to celebrate Earth Day?

Honestly, if you consider it “celebrating” I choose to make everyday Earth Day for myself.  That includes bringing my own reusable shopping bags wherever I go, paying bills online to save paper, carrying a glass straw instead of using plastic ones, composting, using a toothbrush that is made from recycled materials and can be recycled again, and using products that don’t hurt the environment.  It’s not an inconvenience, I love making these changes that benefit the planet.

What words of eco-wisdom do you live by?

Read everything on a label before you put something on your skin as many products can be absorbed (just like a nicotine patch).  Remember that it takes up to 20-1,000 years for a plastic bag to biodegrade and even though you think you’re “throwing something away”, there really is no “away.”

What are your favorite Juice Beauty product and why?

Stem Cellular CC Cream – I love this because it does so much for one product:  it’s an SPF 30, moisturizes, gives a gorgeous glow to the skin, evens out the skin and I’m obsessed with the smell, too!

Stem Cellular Cleansing Oil – I’m a big fan of oil cleansers and this one is wonderful.  Not only does it remove makeup, it’s hydrating and it’s a treat to use.  I recommend people take some time to massage the oil into the face and then taking a warm towel, removing it and then rinsing with warm water.

Defining Eyeliner – This is one of my favorite liners because it goes on smooth, is fantastic for smudging (even has a little smudger on the end) and it has clean ingredients.

Are you as obsessed with green as Katie? Share what small change you’ll make today to green your life!


The post Katie O’Sullivan’s Green Obsession appeared first on Juice Beauty Blog.

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