Making Every Day Earth Day with Sommer Poquette


Earth Day is nearly here! We’ll be counting down to one of our favorite days with a series of inspirational posts about like-minded eco-influencers who recently shared with us what Earth Day means to them.

Meet Sommer Poquette, who is the eco-minded blogger behind Green and Clean Mom! A busy mother of two, Sommer has been committed to healthier and greener living in 2007 after her daughter started developed asthma and she became more aware of the ingredients in products she was buying. She’s passionate about inspiring and motivating others be green, and abides by a personal goal to not only help others but to also live authentically.


How are you celebrating Earth Day? It sounds cliché, but Earth Day is something my family and I aim to recognize every day, not just on April 22nd. We’re always striving to do our best, and some days we do better than others, from recycling to reminding each other to turn off the lights and to not waste water. Each spring we take time to pick up trash along our country road to help make it cleaner and prettier. It’s amazing the litter people throw out their car windows!  If we can all do simple things like picking up a wrapper we see on the ground, then we are all helping make the world a prettier place.

What words of eco-wisdom do you live by? We can’t all do everything, but we can all do something. There isn’t one shade of green and being green isn’t a contest or a race. To be eco-minded you need to just try each day to be some shade of green and realize little things add up and make a difference. I’m always trying to model this for my children.

What are your favorite Juice Beauty products and why! It’s very hard to pick just a few products because my make-up bag and vanity is now all Juice Beauty products! I’d have to say that there are three products that I believe are helping my skin look and feel better. GREEN APPLE™ Brightening Eye Cream – As a busy mom, I can see the dark circles and lines under my eyes. I love how the cream makes me feel.  I see a difference when I look in the mirror and that’s all that matters. My eyes don’t seem as dark and puffy.  My skin is sensitive and dry and this eye cream isn’t irritating but rather leaves the skin under and around my eyes hydrated. Exfoliating Cleanser – I have very dry skin and love how gentle this cleanser is and how clean it makes my skin feel. Every time I use it, my face feels smoother actually glows! Plus, the smell is amazing! Antioxidant Serum – I call this my magic drops. I just massage a few drops of this serum on my face after washing.  I had some red patchy dry spots and now they’re gone. What’s more my blemishes are gone and my face has an overall healthier look and feel. As a result, I’m wearing less make-up now. Like I said, it’s magic!

Learn more about why Sommer loves Juice Beauty skin care and enter to win her favorites here!

We’ll be sharing more from our Earth Day partners and how they’re planning to celebrate Earth Day.  In the meantime, tell us how you’ll be spending Earth Day. Even better, how will you make every day Earth Day?!

The post Making Every Day Earth Day with Sommer Poquette appeared first on Juice Beauty Blog.

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