Organic vs. Natural Beauty Products


Did you know that asbestos is natural? Petroleum is natural too. Our point? Anything can be deemed natural. As some experts like to say, it’s an unregulated term. And with beauty products that’s especially scary to us, since our skin absorbs 64% of what’s put on it.

What we want our natural skin care products to be — pure, clean, healthy & effective — may not be that at all. And unless you’re an ingredient expert, there’s no easy way to tell if something is truly natural or not.

Organic, on the other hand, isn’t a label you can simply place on your products to appeal to people who care about a greener, cleaner, healthier life. To call a beauty product organic in California, under COPA, it must be at least 70% organic. There’s also the national USDA Organic seal which products earn only if they are made up of at least 95% organic ingredients.

Juice Beauty products, both USDA Organic and COPA certified, are packed with a minimum of 85% and up to 98% certified organic content. You can learn more about our commitment to pure, non-toxic beauty products by looking at our brand commandments and core truths.

But to us, the organic movement and effective skin care products isn’t just about a commitment to purity, wellness and health. It’s about an uncompromising commitment to effectiveness.

And our products have been clinically proven to show transformative results.

PS Organic as defined by wikipedia: ingredients produced using environmentally sound methods that do not involve modern synthetic inputs such as pesticides and chemical fertilizers, do not contain genetically modified organisms, and are not processed using irradiation, industrial solvents, or chemical food additives.

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