Sacred Lily & Evening Primrose Flower Essences

Sacred Lily & Evening Primrose Flower Essences


These beautiful nocturnal flowers that are most active at night are used in Juice Beauty’s Stem Cellular Collection and focused on the STEM CELLULAR Anti-Wrinkle Overnight Moisturizer. These flower essences help renew the appearance of the skin's surface.

Sacred Lilly

At the Juice Beauty Farm it’s fun to watch the bright yellow flowers bloom and open in the evening and close by noon the next day.  Years ago, these flowers were cultivated for their nutritious edible roots but our scientists use the flower extracts for the oil contained in the seeds, which contains powerful essential fatty acids (gamma-linolenic acid) not found in many other plants.  These essential fatty acids of Evening Primrose and Sacred Lily can help nourish and soothe dry skin as well as reduce the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles. 

Data also suggests that the application of gamma-linolenic acid can help with the appearance of strengthening the skin and the flower’s high level of antioxidants also helps fight free radical damage. Of course, free radical damage, coming from aging, pollution, sun and more ages the skin and Juice Beauty products and ingredients such as these flowers fight against these free radical attacks. 

The specific science is fun to think about! Dormancy general refers to the period when growth functions are slowed and cell proliferation (aging) is inhibited in the plant.  When dormancy is stopped, aging resumes.  The compounds capable of inducing dormancy are known as Dormins.  Juice Beauty uses the Dormins extracted from the Sacred Lily plant during its dormant stage to help slow down cell proliferation and as a result, rejuvenate the appearance of the skin. The result? Hydrated and beautifully rejuvenated skin. Farm to Beauty.

Learn more about STEM CELLULAR Anti-Wrinkle Overnight Cream

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