Shedding Light on the Sunscreen Problem

Shedding Light on the Sunscreen Problem

beauty tips

A Message from our Founder, Karen Behnke

How Juice Beauty Pioneered a New Wave of Skincare - A 33Voices interview  with Karen Behnke - 33voices

SPF Labels — the PROBLEM:

You may have seen all the news about sunscreens lately resulting in numerous recalls from name brand companies and even a well-known influencer. The biggest issues are centered around sunscreens not meeting their label claims

of SPF. This influencer was falsely labeling their brand SPF 50 and upon testing the SPF factor, it was only an SPF 19.

Obviously, this is a big problem as we are all wearing sunscreen to prevent skin cancer AND to prevent wrinkles and premature aging. We want to trust our labels!  Some of these beauty brands are popping up quickly they are skipping the process of gaining the professional expertise and proper quality testing.

Juice Beauty’s trusted SPF Products: Juice Beauty does not use chemical sunscreens, and instead solely use the mineral sunscreen, Zinc. Zinc works by physically blocking the sun from damaging your skin. We strive for the ultimate customer trust as we test each batch of sunscreen for zinc concentration to provide our customers with quality assurance.

Benzene—the PROBLEM: The FDA may soon introduce guidelines around the safety of sunscreen products. Recently over 78 commercial sunscreen products were contaminated with the (known) carcinogen Benzene. Exposing oneself to chemicals has a cumulative effect over a lifetime. I don’t know about you, but I sure don’t want to knowingly put the carcinogen benzene on my skin!

Juice Beauty does not use any ingredients that come in contact with benzene.

Chemical Sunscreen Blood absorption at high levels—THE PROBLEM: In 2019, the prestigious Journal of American Medical Association (JAMA) released an important study conducted by the Center for Drug Evaluation and Research, an arm of the U.S. Food and Drug Administration.

Researchers found that it took just one day of sunscreen use for one common chemical spf ingredient to enter the bloodstream and less than 7 days for all the chemical sunscreens to enter the body at levels high enough to trigger a government safety investigation. The government safety alert was focused on the common chemical sunscreens of avobenzone, oxybenzone, octocrylene, and ecamsule, all showing much higher levels than current U.S. health regulation guidelines allow.

It might be easy to dismiss the issue. Maybe you only wear sunscreen once in a while so you may not care---but applying these chemicals to your skin over decades has a cumulative effect and may eventually harm your body.

Juice Beauty’s mineral Zinc sunscreens: In 2005 when I started Juice Beauty, it never occurred to me to use anything BUT a mineral sunblock. At that time, not much was known about chemical sunscreens but over the years on the soccer field and beaches I watched so many parents spray and lotion their kids with chemical sunscreens—I had a hunch that these chemicals would be harmful to apply and inhale. Juice Beauty only uses mineral zinc sunscreens.

So... have fun in the sun but protect your skin to prevent skin cancer and to maintain healthy youthful looking skin.




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