Vine Canopy Management on Juice Beauty’s Organic Farm

Vine Canopy Management on Juice Beauty’s Organic Farm

It’s June in Dry Creek Valley, the beautiful Sonoma County region where Juice Beauty’s Farm is located. The temperatures just soared but as always the nights are cool for great sleeping weather and great grape stressing weather which is wonderful for the health of the resveratrol rich grapes.

What’s happening now on the Juice Beauty organic farm? Vine Canopy Management—that’s what’s going on. Canopy management is all about controlling grapevine vigor and growth to maximize both production and fruit quality while enhancing the health of the vines. During this time of the year, we are focused on pointing the vines upward so they reach toward the sun and so they get the optimal amount of free flow of air.

Farming organically and on hillsides means that we do a lot by hand!

Our farmers walk row by row and conduct this process very carefully by hand. The result? These practices can have a significant impact on fruit quality and vine productivity both in the current year as well as subsequent years. Not only beautiful vineyards with vines reaching toward the sky but healthy grapevines. 

A lot goes into our process for organic ingredients so we can make organic ingredient skincare that is rich in antioxidants. As Founder @juicebeautykaren was watching this vine upward-pointing process being done by our amazing farmers, she said the only thing she could think of was yoga sun salutations and actually started doing yoga in the middle of the vineyard! Maybe we’ll catch that on camera soon.

Wellness and organic farming intertwined.  Every organic drop feeds your skin.

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