#WeRunSF Half Marathon Inspired Fitness Tips

beauty tips


This past weekend, Juice Beauty was a proud supporter of Whole Foods Market San Francisco at the Nike Women’s Half Marathon San Francisco’s race weekend events. The Juice Beauty team was on hand all four days of the event, cheering runners along and sampling our fabulous products.


All weekend long, the Juice Beauty team was sampling our chemical-free SPF Sport 30 Sunscreen, Hydrating Mist, SPF 8 Lip Moisturizers and SPF 30 Oil-Free Moisturizer. These Juice Beauty faves are also great to carry in your gym bag all year long!

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The Juice Beauty team had so much fun this weekend that we wanted to continue the momentum of this incredible event by sharing our favorite wellness tips that are great for runners and yogis alike.

  • Exercise Daily: Spend 30-40 minutes a day on aerobic, continual physical activity.
  • Rotate Your Routine: Rotate impact and non-impact activity to preserve your joint health as you age and to prevent your muscle’s from getting used to the same activities. A great weekly routine might include: biking, power walk, swimming, jogging, cardio, yoga and ending the week with a hike.
  • Schedule: Make time in your routine for your exercise, so that it eventually becomes part of your daily routine. If you’re pressed for time, gather a couple co-workers for a walk during your lunch break or walk to your favorite coffee shop instead of driving.
  • Support Your Body with Organic Fruits and Veggies: Choosing organic will help you avoid pesticide residue and provides a higher antioxidant content. Eat plentiful fruits and vegetable at every meal and be sure to rotate your choices by color to gain a wider variety of nutrients.
  • Make Smart Protein Choices: Limit animal protein and eat other protein-rich foods such as nuts, beans, and fish that are rich in Omega-3 fatty acids for heart health and cancer prevention.


The post #WeRunSF Half Marathon Inspired Fitness Tips appeared first on Juice Beauty Blog.

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