Zem Joaquin Visits Juice Beauty

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We’re thrilled to share our latest podcast featuring Zem Joaquin, founding board member of Cradle to Cradle Product Innovation Institute and Founder of Ecofabulous.

This Eco Pioneer visited Juice Beauty headquarters for a chat with our Founder, Karen Behnke, and a Juice Beauty touch-up.

Zem and Karen discuss sustainable living without sacrificing style and how eco-friendly products win because they don’t contain chemicals that are harmful to you or the planet.

Zem also recognizes organizations she feels are currently leading in the eco-conscious realm, from Teens Turning Green to Amour Vert, and, of course, Juice Beauty!

This new Juice Beauty podcast is the latest in our series of podcasts with experts weighing in on sustainable living, organic beauty, and other hot topics in today’s eco-conscious world.

Hear the podcast now!

What does being eco-conscious mean to you? Are you taking steps to live more sustainably? We want to know! Share with us below.

The post Zem Joaquin Visits Juice Beauty appeared first on Juice Beauty Blog.

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