LivvyLand’s Minimalist Makeup Routine



I have been hesitant to venture into the beauty realm of the blog world for a number of reasons (which I’ll share in this post, fear not!), but after giving a number of Juice Beauty products a try starting in March (from lotion to night cream and lipstick to loose powder – this stuff is wonderful, trust me), I am finally ready and feeling really good about sharing my makeup routine with y’all!


You may have seen Juice Beauty products at Whole Foods or ULTA, they’re known for being a vegan skincare and makeup line, made with certified organic ingredients… and I love that about them, too!! Take a look at my step-by-step routine and get the scoop on all my skincare and makeup favorites!

I have always gravitated towards the “less is more” idea when it comes to makeup – perhaps it’s that I grew up in a city where most women wear the bare minimum (…a little mascara and a splash of lipstick generally does the trick) or the fact that my brothers used to make fun of me when I wore something as simple as a swipe of lipgloss (I have 3 older brothers and they used to tell me it looked like I had spit on my face when I wore lipgloss, ha!), and lastly – it’s so hot in Texas that going swimming on a moments notice used to be the norm for me…and I never wanted to get into the pool looking one way and exit the pool looking totally different! Thus, my motto on makeup is this: I want to look and feel like myself – which means lightly accentuating my natural beauty (..and perhaps hiding those not-so-pretty zits that like to pop up once a month, ha!).

Sooo.. here is my spiel: I personally believe we should get to a place where we feel just as beautiful with and without makeup – it feels so incredible to love ourselves fully – inside and out. From accepting my new sun spots (my friend Ben said to me a few months back, “Oh Livvy, I didn’t know you had freckles!” – ha! Hello, sun spots at age 26!) and my “tired eyes” after a few long days, these are things I have come to appreciate and accept, life is beautiful and it’s actually really cool when you see that those lines or “smile crinkles” are really our life experiences – those lines under my eyes are stories of my youth and days of hard work in my 20’s, and that’s a truly beautiful thing. It’s a good thing to age, to progress – it means you’re living, you’re alive! And let’s be honest, those amazing portrait photos that are black and white and super gritty and show every detail? There’s a reason they’re so beautiful and interesting – because they tell a life story, right on someones face! To me, that is beautiful and I don’t want to cover those stories with makeup – rather, I like to use makeup to enhance what I already have, in a very minimal way.

I was introduced to Juice Beauty at a blogger conference last spring, and ever since I have been hooked on their products. I started with their night cream (from the “Stem Cellular” line that seriously smells SO GOOD, even Blake loves when I wear it, ha!) and anti-wrinkle treatment, then slowly but surely ventured into the makeup realm. As it is, I don’t wear much – my standard makeup routine consists of concealer on spots (I’m a picker, so if there’s a fledging zit on my face I have turned it into a giant pepperoni mark within seconds, ha!), then loose powder, blush and mascara. Sometimes I’ll add a lip color if I’m feeling particularly festive, but a lot of the time I am alone and headed to a coffeehouse with my laptop, so I don’t feel the need to wear lipstick daily.


With Juice Beauty products, I added a few steps to my general repertoire and am honestly LOVING the outcome! I look refreshed and glowing, but still 100% like myself. Every one of these products is so light and airy that I am excited to wear them daily, not just for my Friday night dinner date with Blake, ha! Juice Beauty also prides itself as selling natural, vegan makeup, so you know you’re putting “the good stuff” on your skin, not a ton of chemicals (hooray for that!). So, here is what I’m wearing in this post and seriously, this stuff is amazing:


1. Illuminating Primer: super light weight and helps set the rest of the makeup. This stuff is incredible!!
2. Stem Cellular CC Cream: I have never been into foundation or “BB” or “CC” creams before, but Juice Beauty’s is super light and basically just evens out my skin tone and smoothes everything over in a very natural way. It’s not heavy at all and also moisturizes at the same time. I loved it so much I have added this step to my standard makeup routine (I never liked this stuff before but really love the Juice Beauty version, it’s super subtle and definitely my kind of look!).
3. Perfecting Concealer: As said before, I’m a picker, so I need concealer on me haha! Juice Beauty totally gets how to cover up and even out skin discoloration, and this little guy is small enough to take in my purse or laptop bag – I carry it with me all day!
4. Flawless Finishing Powder: Light and airy, just like I like my powder to be!
5. Cream Blush: I used my middle finger to add a hint of color to my cheeks, I went with a more rich, berry color, but they have a bunch of color options, loved this!
6. Ultra Natural Mascara: all organic mascara and it’s very wispy and light, too. No clumping and all I needed was a little eyelash curl after applying and voila, beautiful long lashes!
7. Organic Lip Crayon: Love the natural color options (and some fun brights, of course!) for every occasion or just to add a hint of color to your look!

{Content originally posted at Livvy Land Blog}

The post LivvyLand’s Minimalist Makeup Routine appeared first on Juice Beauty Blog.

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