Summer Sunscreen Tips


It’s no secret that the fabulous sun has UVA and UVB rays that are extremely damaging to your skin, and those who have suffered the not-so-fun consequences of soaking up a few too many rays on a sunny day (read: sunburn) likely have something to show for it in the way of unwanted damage, dark spots and lines. The sun is a key contributor to premature aging of the skin so to keep your skin looking youthful and radiant, it is crucial to protect yourself everyday!

If you need any more convincing, just hop back to take a quick peek at the reasons we made daily SPF a Beauty Resolution at the beginning of the year. You can check those out HERE.

Sunscreen only works if you use it properly. Read on for 5 simple SPF tips to keep skin safe and healthy all summer!

  • Don’t wait until you’re outside to slather on sunscreen. Apply to skin before you hit the rays. The good news with healthy, non-toxic sunscreens  — like all of our Juice Beauty SPF products — is the natural mineral SPF works the minute you put it on your skin (no waiting for that chemical absorption).  However, stick with the rule of applying before you head outside as you’re more likely to cover properly while getting ready rather than once you’re out and about. Easier to cover little ones before the full excitement of the beach or pool kicks in too!
  • Don’t skimp on how much you use.  A generous, nickel size amount of Juice Beauty’s Tinted SPF Mineral Moisturizer is perfect to cover face and neck. For body, skin needs to be well covered, so use about an ounce (which is approximately a handful) if you’re baring all in a bikini.
  • If you’re outside for an extended period of time, reapply sunscreen every two hours, no matter what SPF level you’re wearing. Especially during beach or park days, sunscreen wears off by being touched, taking a dip in the water, towel drying or even by sweating – so make sure you’re protected.
  • Face, neck and body may be no-brainers but don’t forget your lips, ears, head, hands, and feet are exposed too! Our SPF Lip Moisturizers are perfect to keep lips protected from damage, plus nourished and soft with organic coconut and mango too.
  • Check the best-before date. Sunscreen expires and loses its effectiveness over time so make sure to refresh with new product if you’re still hanging on to one from last season. Leaving your sunscreen in the heat can also affect its strength so make sure to store it in a cool place whenever possible.

The post Summer Sunscreen Tips appeared first on Juice Beauty Blog.

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