EWG’s 6th Annual Earth Dinner


 The Environmental Working Group Annual Earth Dinner was held Tuesday night at the beautiful Terra Gallery in San Francisco. The room buzzed with excitement from guests motivated to help move environmental policy forward with meaningful and spirited discussion on toxic chemicals, GMO labeling, pesticide regulation and more. Karen Behnke, our founder, was proud to be part of the host committee for this special event.  It was a celebration of EWG’s recent achievements in shaping environmental policy through groundbreaking research and education as part of its commitment to protect our right to know what’s in our food, drinking water, the air we breathe, and the products we put on your skin.

The first keynote speaker was Lisa P. Jackson, Vice President of Environmental Initiatives at Apple and former Administrator of the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (appointed by President Barack Obama). Lisa talked about Apple’s efforts to minimize its impact on the environment and how the Company powers its entire data center with renewable energy. Moreover, Lisa gave a big shout-out to the room full of “kick-ass” women and the very smart men sitting beside them.

The second keynote speaker, Erin Brockovich, Eco-Warrior and Consumer Advocate, spent a significant amount of time talking with the Juice Beauty team, and we were all enthralled with her straightforward, no-nonsense approach to moving environmental initiatives forward. Of course Erin, made famous through the movie bearing her name, won the largest class-action lawsuit of its kind against Pacific Gas and Electric Company for its pollution of Hinkley, CA with the chemical hexavalent chromium-6. Many of us might be surprised to know that hexavalent chromium is still in our drinking water. In fact, an EWG report showed that 31 out of 35 American cities tap water still have high levels of this carcinogenic chemical. Her legacy is that each of us has the power to make a difference in our communities in caring for our environment.

EWG’s Annual Earth Dinner was a chance for the Juice Beauty corporate employees to celebrate one of our five special mission driven non-profit organizations that we work so hard to help support. Check out these great photos of this elegant event where we helped raise money to support EWG’s mission

The post EWG’s 6th Annual Earth Dinner appeared first on Juice Beauty Blog.

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