Favorites Friday: Facebook Fan Edition! Meet Jennifer…

beauty tips

TGIFF! Thank Goodness it’s Favorite’s Friday! Time to introduce you to another one of our favorite Facebook beauties!

Everyone, please meet Jennifer! Read on for her prime picks…

Hello Jennifer! Help us introduce you to everyone… what would you say is your two-line bio? I am a graphic designer by trade, and a wife and animal lover by heart! A San Francisco girl, I currently live in Louisville KY and I just recently turned 46 and I feel good!

What was the first Juice Beauty product you tried that got you hooked? My first Juice Beauty product used was the Green Apple Age Defying Solutions Kit – a little bit of everything from that line.

If you had to choose, which is your favorite Juice Beauty product? My favorite Juice Beauty product is (ooh, this is hard, I love them all) I will say the Organic Facial Rejuvenating Mask. I love how immediately after I use it I feel like my skin instantly looks brighter and tighter! (Want to try this too? Use the code FBREJUV at checkout on juicebeauty.com and get a FREE one with orders of $35! Ends on 3/18 so hurry!)

You hit snooze one too many times and you’re running late in the morning. If you only have a few minutes before you have to run out the door, what is the ONE skincare/beauty step you can NOT skip? The one skincare/beauty step I cannot skip is putting on the SPF 30 Tinted Mineral Moisturizer (sand), that way my skin is moisturized, I get some coverage, and spf protection. It really is skincare and beauty all in one step.

Mind sharing your best beauty tip with us? My best beauty advice is to make sure you cleanse and moisturize your skin every night before bed. It really makes a huge difference. Try it regularly for a week or two, you will see a difference. (We totally agree! Remember our resolution?)

Everyone on the Juice Beauty team qualifies as a ‘fiend’ for fruit (not sure someone would last here if they weren’t). What’s your favorite? My favorite fruit is a toss-up, strawberries and pineapples. Every day I make a “super smoothie” with fruits and vegetables that I drink at lunchtime. That way I can have them both (and then some!) Yummm! (Yum indeed! We love this one!)

When or where do you feel most beautiful? I feel most beautiful on a clear, blue, sunny day.

What do you do to make staying healthy easy? To stay healthy I try to eat lots of fruits and veggies, and fish or chicken. Also, I try to be a vegetarian before dinner – no meat until the dinner meal. I don’t really have a favorite organic recipe since I try to make everything as organic as I can. I also make a point to walk every day!

Thank you Jennifer! We’re so happy to have you in our inner beauty circle!

And in case you missed it, get a FREE  Organic Facial Rejuvenating Mask (Jennifer’s favorite) when you enter code FBREJUV at checkout on juicebeauty.com with orders of $35 or more! Only lasts through the weekend so hurry (ends at midnight on 3/18)!

Want to be featured as a Facebook Favorite? First things first, make sure you ‘like’ us on Facebook! Also, email Lauren at lauren (at) juicebeauty.com to let us know!

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The post Favorites Friday: Facebook Fan Edition! Meet Jennifer… appeared first on Juice Beauty Blog.

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